Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Discovery Gateway with Grandpa

This morning my dad called and said...."Lets take the kids downtown and go to the Children's Museum." Many thoughts went through my head.... first Yeahhhh I think that would be really fun.....then thoughts of all the things that could go wrong with three kids this small and only 2 adults! While getting ready to go i wasnt totally sure I wanted to take the girls along. I could just let them go...right? Ahh what the heck. Ill go. It WAS really fun and all of the "kid drama" and "worst case scenarios" didnt even happen. We only had one fall from Ethan that resulted in a goose egg right by his eye. Other than that they were great!!! SOOOO happy!

This is right when you walk in...there are tons of tubes that have air running through them so that balls can travel around. So fun.
The girls slept for the first 45 minutes.

The picture on the right is the face Ethan pulls when i say smile for the camera.
Cookin up some food for Mommy.
Sophie was not too into the boat. She was crawling out right when we put her in.
Sophie in the tree hut.
The kids playing in the water....This is where the goose egg happened. Ethan tripped over a stool and his head  went into the fake rock. Poor little one.
Shopping at the market.
The girls liked this part....Emma eventually tried crawling up onto the shelf.
The girls playing in the garden while we put Ethan up on the horse.....He HATED it.
He also very strongly disliked the helicopter. It made real helicopter sounds and they were way loud. 

Thanks for the great day

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