Friday, August 21, 2009

Diffrent or the same????

So when I found out I was having identical twins I thought .....How am I ever going to tell them apart?? It was hard at the beginning but thankfully Emma had a little crease in her left ear and Sophie didn't. Phhheewww! As they have grown they certainly have developed little things that helps me tell them apart ....

But first I have to tell you that they have developed little nick names.......guess what they are????

EMME Yeah Like the award.....

And SOFA.........Like the seat.....

Funny but that is what they got stuck with. :0)

So here is Emma's little Crease in her ear....... I love that we got that Pic !!

And here is Sophie.....she is the one falling over on Emma.....No crease in her ear.....
Sophie has more of a long head shape and Emma for sure has a ROUND face.....

Ok so maybe they both have pretty round faces but I guess Emma's is more round.... lol

Emma seems to be the more physical learner.....She Rolled over first and Pushed around in walker first and even turned a book page first
She also has the cutest smile that goes from ear to ear when you are making her laugh

but she is much more sleepy than Sophie........

Emma also nibbles on her finger tips to go to bed.....I wish I had a picture of that......SO CUTE!
Another thing that she does that I just adore is that she kicks just her left foot over and over sometimes when you are changing her diaper........I LOVE IT!

Sophie seems to be the mental learner.....she laughed first.....Gabbed first and when she gets excited she slaps her hand and makes this panting sound......FUNNY!
She has the cutest biggest open mouth smile that I have ever seen.....

Oh and she is the first one to like baby food.....she took right to it.....

She has always been the more laid back one too......I think that comes from being in the NICU for a week and having no one hold or cuddle her 24-7 like emma got.......SAD.....Ill make up for it now by smothering her in kisses and snuggles!!!

They Both love to giggle and often find themselves facinated with each other.
They both have rolls EVERYWHERE........ Like this baby......

They are both great babies.....discovering....learning and loving life day by day....
They love thier family and are so happy to be around loved ones!

Thanks everyone for loving and caring for my cute little Buddah babies!!

I love you I love you Emma and Sophie!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


First I want to start off by saying that I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for blessing me with such a wonderful life. I am so blessed to have a happy healthy family and so many wonderful friends Here are some reasons that I feel so blessed today and every day of my life......

1. I met and married my best friend and love of my life. He makes me love me. He makes me
laugh. He is with me through the tough and the happy times. I love you Mike!

2. I am blessed to have 3 beautiful, happy, healthy,funny,cute ...(the list goes on)....and
amazing children! They make me laugh everyday and my heart bursts with love for them
all day long!

3. I grew up with the best family ever. I have a wonderful mom who cares so much and does so for me. I have a dad with the biggest heart around and he loves to teach and play with my kids. I
have the best sister! I have so much fun with her and she is the most kind loving person around!
I have the best extended family.... Grandmas, cousins, aunts and uncles....(you know who you are) I love you so much and am so thankful for all of the fun times that we have shared together.

4. I am so blessed to be a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am blessed to know that my Heavenly Father Lives and that he truly loves us. I am blessed to know that me and my family can be together forever and that Heavenly Father is always there to guide us in our daily lives.

5. I am so thankful for the chance to have worked with great people in my life. I have learned so much from the friends and co workers that I have spent most of my working days with. Thank you girls from the Spa you have truly been so fun to work with and I miss you so much.

6. I am blessed to have kind an loving in-laws that truly love the church and teach me something new all the time. Thank you guys for your example and love for your Heavenly Father.

7. I am so happy to be a stay at home mom and be able to experience all of the milestones of my children. I love that we can laugh and snuggle as much as we want all day long.....or as much as they will let me. :0)

8. I am blessed to have friends that love and care for me and my family. I have so much fun spending time at dinners, movies, and jazz games with the old gang. Now all that needs to happen is to get some kids going so my kids can have some playmates.

9. I am blessed to have a passion for crafty things. It keeps me busy and keeps my brain going. I love photography....capturing the moments that I will want to remember when my kids are old, I love making thinks....everything from clothes, to flowers, to frames. I love all of it...

10. but most of all I am blessed to KNOW that I am lucky to have all that I have, a roof over my head, a husband that has a good job, healthy kids. I just couldnt imagine life without my family. I have been crying all morning over this blog that I came across and just thought that I had to share it with everyone that I care about. It truly touched my heart and made me think differently about what I have! Thank you for sharing your heart and beautiful photography Sheye. Here is her blog..... She is so strong through all of the trials that she has had to endure. She has such inspiring words. Hopefully this message will get to everyone it is supposed to and helps save lives that need not be lost.

Happy Halloween

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