Thursday, August 26, 2010


Lagoon.......... What can I say. It was always soo fun to ride the rides when I was young and now it is so fun to see Ethan start to like them too. Me, Jess, Kristi, and Ethan went to lagoon on Sunday. It was a last minute trip but it was so fun. It rained like CRAZY. We didn't even need to go on any wet rides! I took Ethan on this ride that is like The Big Shot but for little kids.....I guess we should have picked a different one to start because the whole time he was saying "Im scared". Poor kid. It really was quite high and gave me the butterfly's too! He rode mainly easy ones after that. 
 My cute little sis Jess played the game where you have to bang the hammer on the metal stump and ...... She had a hard time picking the hammer and then ..... gave it her hardest swing.....the Lagoon worker just looked at her and said "uhhh it didnt register". We couldnt stop laughing. Her next swing was a little harder and she managed to get Ethan a blow up hammer. Thanks Jess. We love you and your big muscles!!!
Ethan rode this one but refused to go up so he said he was " just floatin" instead of flying. Haha funny kid!
And we cant forget the slurpee to end the trip and a pic in front of the Lagoon sign!

Just to give you an idea of how the weather was that Sunday here is a huge tree that blew over right in front of my sisters eyes. Its the tree that is at the entrance of our condo complex. Crazy!!!

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