Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Picky" is an understatement!


Yup that was my frustration! I am throwing my hands up! I just don't know what to do anymore. My girls are SOOOOOoooo picky. I have tried everything to get them to eat anything else than their usual foods. Oh and let me just tell you what they DO eat.....

That is IT!
Yup that is all they will eat. You should see me at Wal Mart. I always buy like 10 frozen mac and cheese meals! Emma is a little more willing to try things but Sophie takes one look at the new food and wont even give it a try. I feel like such a bad parent. Uhhhhhh. I wish they would at least try new things but they dont! I know it will pass but is is still SO frustrating!
So if any of you moms out there have any suggestions for how to get my kids to eat different things ..... im all ears!


Ashley said...

We are going through the same thing with Annika (who is 4 and enjoys negotiating during mealtimes).

Just last week we decided to try and let her pack her own meals into a cute Hello Kitty lunch box with pink food containers from the $1 section at Target. Timothy is now asking us to use his lunchbox for meals too. They are both trying tonz of new foods. They both liked brussel sprouts (crazy, right?!) Annika is still not eating a ton but it's going much better.

Megan said...

Sorry, I have no advice to give. Maybe you could try mixing the hot dogs in with the mac & cheese for variety.... HA, HA!! You're a great Mom, I'm sure they'll snap out of it soon. :)

Happy Halloween

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