Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My babies are turning 2 !

I can't believe it has already been two years sense my little girls were born. It makes me sad that they are getting so big so fast. I love the baby stage and now they are out of it. It makes me sad because they are most likely the last little ones that I will have. I say most likely because you never know.....Right?

They each have their own unique personalities and I love seeing them grow into a tiny little grown ups! They (for the most part) are happy little girls. They are for sure more dramatic than Ethan ever was!

Emma is my quiet one. She doesn't say much. Maybe her sister does enough talking for the both of them.  She makes the cutest squishy face that I have ever seen! She is super smart and so curious about everything. She loves to test our limits and when she is caught she runs away as fast as possible. She is happy to keep herself entertained just trying to figure things out, like where the tv chord ends up or where this key fits.

Sophie is my little talker. She has been talking for quite a while. She is a VERY picky eater. She basically only eats hot dogs, wheels and cheese, sugary cereal, and toast. She is a girlie girl. She loves to get her hair done and LOVES shoes! She is a little dare devil and loves to climb on everything. She also loves to shake her groove thing! Her favorite thing to say right now is "Oh NO" and "NO".

They both love to give kisses and have just started to kiss each other....SOOOO cute! They love to laugh together and I can see them being great friends throughout their life. They still let me cuddle them once in a while and I cherish those moments when I can get them. I am so blessed to have them in my life and cant imagine my life without either one of them!

Girls I love you so much and am so proud of both of you! I hope you have a great birthday!!

                                       Sophie                                  Emma

Happy Birthday to my big girls!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your little beauties! Doesn't it all go by WAY to fast?

p.s. My twins were 2 when I got knocked up again...just sayin;)

Stacy Hunt said...

Happy Birthday (tomorrow) Emma and Sophie! I would also like to add that Emma loves to dance. She had a blast with me in Tucanos just dancing around.

Ashley said...

Holy heck they look SOOO big! That newborn picture is amazing! I hope it's up on your wall.

Shana Smith said...

Happy birthday! I still cant believe that you have twins, I want to know how you managed taking care of 2 babies at one time! I have a hard time taking care of a 2 1/2 year old and a 2 month old! You are super momma.. I hope you have another little one. My Dr. told me that if you are missing the baby stage, you are definitely not finished having babies. But when you no longer have those feelings, you are finished!! Guess I am not done yet, I really miss being prego!! Your twins are darling

Happy Halloween

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