Tuesday, June 15, 2010

iPhone Pics

YUP another installment of some of the moments that I capture on my iPhone.

This is how I found the girls asleep a few days ago. So adorable!!
Ok so this one just kills me. We put Sophie to sleep with her bottle and it was pretty quiet in there so we go to check on her to see if her bottle is gone and this is how we found her. She is TOTALLY asleep! Yeah. I don't even know how you fall out of bed and number one stay in the position and number 2 stay sleeping!!??
We went bowling last night and when I went to get my bowling ball out of storage this is how I found it!!!
My bowling boy!!
Mike's wonderful sister Malia always sends the kids clothes and toys that my niece Hana has grown out of. Here is a pic that i sent to her thanking them for all of the wonderful things.
Here is a picture of Sophie not so happy about who knows what. This is what it is like a lot of the time around here.
And Emma in a Hana dress watching a cartoon.
Some swim suits of Hana's 
Oh so cute!

Hope you enjoyed. 

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