What are they up to lately???........
Well they are GROWING like weeds! All of them. The girls are getting so big! I find myself calling them babies and their not anymore! Ethan is getting huge too! He is getting so tall! Just a few weeks ago I swear he had a growth spurt because one day his pants fit and the next they were 2 inch floods! Crazy. We track their growth on a wall in our kitchen and he really has grown so much in the last few months.
The girls are getting to the age that Ethan actually enjoys playing with the girls. They run around and laugh together. It is so fun to see their relationships grow. Here are a few of the things that they LOVE to do together....
DANCING!! There is this little cartoon called "Dance a lot Robot" that teaches them a little dance and they love it!!
MAKING A MESS! Yeah. When there are three of them they make three times the mess. The girls are getting close to the age that they dont want a nap so during the middle of the day I take them up to their room and have quite time....Problem is Ethan still wants to play with them. I came into the girls room the other day and found this....
It was supposed to be nap time for the twins and they had turned their room upside down. Im sure with the help of their big brother! And a mattress for a slide?? Getting pretty creative!
Is getting so big! He even sleeps in his own bed. Yeah I know he is 4 but he had been sleeping with ever sense he was a baby. It took some coaxing but once we made a chart....
He did pretty good. He still comes into our bedroom in the middle of the night sometimes but all we have to say is go back to bed and he does it.
He is so SMART!! He is reading EVERYTHING! We signed him up for Preschool and he will start in the fall. I think he is so ready. It will be good to have him get out of the house and play with other kids.
This is his "school shirt"
He LOVES games. That is all he wants to do. Everything from crosswords to word finds to board games. He loves it all!
He is so loving. He regularly comes up to me or mike or whoever is around and says.... "MOM (or insert your name) I LOVE YOU" With the cutest, most sincere voice.
She is my little monster. She is just as cute as a button.
She loves to play. She is usually the one that is running around in a circle laughing.
She is thoughtful. She will always bring Sophie her "nene" (her blanket) when she needs it.
She is VERY inquisitive. She likes to study and figure out everything that she sees.
She loves to do puzzles and is so good at them.
She doesn't say much. She has a handful of words that she can say but for the most part all she says is "DOOHHHHH". We had her evaluated by a speech therapist and she tested low in her language. A speech therapist will start coming to our home to help her out with speaking. That starts next week so i will keep everyone updated on how it is going.
She had just stared at an ant on the floor for 20 minutes then decided to step on it! Oh and she loves to help do the dishes! :)
She is my little girlie girl. She definitely loves twirling in dresses, brushing her hair and pretending to put make up on!
She LOVES her "nene"! That is her blanket. We started using these ugly, plaid blankets to prop the girls bottles up when they were babies and they have just attached themselves to them. Sophie HAS to have the lighter one....
She is talking a TON! She says "I want food" and "I want juice". Some of the cute things that she says are " FUNNY" when she sees something silly and "ACHOO" (thank you) when you give her what she wants. SOOoo cute! Her and Emma love to watch Finding Nemo lately and she has started saying "SWIMMY SWIMMY". It is so funny. She also said "I LOVE YOU" to Mike for the first time last night at Leatherbys.
She also loves to give KISSES!
She falls asleep so well and isn't bothered by her sister who usually dose NOT fall asleep easily! LOL
I am so blessed to have 3 wonderful kids that are happy and healthy. The make me smile and laugh every day. I can't believe i have 3 kids! They are amazing. I love watching them learn and grow. With Mother's Day coming up this weekend I have been thinking so much about how lucky I am to have these awesome kids!! I really am. I am so thankful to my husband for giving me these beautiful blessings!
When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.
- Sophia Loren