Thursday, August 26, 2010

Recent pics caught by the good ol phone....

Me and the girls!!
My sister used to make this face when she was little so we call it the JEZZA face. 
Cant have an iphone pic post without some funny pics of the girls sleeping!
Grocery shopping with all of the kids....all by myself....Yes i consider it an achievement! Going anywhere with 3 kids 3 and under is very hard!
Yo Gabba Gabba sometimes you are my saving grace!
My dad reading the kids a book. What a good Grandpa!
All i can say is "OREO"
Poor little Sophie got sunburned and then sick a few days later... Poor girlie!
Fun at "Uncle Tee's" Park!!
Rainy day fun! The kids loved running in the puddle right outside our front door. They got all messy and when it was time for me to bring them in the girls screamed like crazy. 
Sophie's hair is long enough for a Pony Tail!!
Dancing with Auntie Jezza!
and a fun pic at a friends BBQ. Thanks for the fun time guys! 


Anonymous said...

I so remember how proud I would be when I would take the twins and Taylor grocery shopping by myself. Then Kendrick and I decided to make it a family event and now we all go. ANYWAY-I took all three boys to Win Co by myself yesterday and wondered how on earth I used to take TWO babies and ONE preschooler anywhere alone. It was harder than I remember. If you haven't guessed-my favorite picture is of your kiddos at the store:) I think your amazing for taking them.

Mandy B said...

Those pics are so stinking cute!! I love that Bea sleeps funny like your girls. It's so fun to see. I took 4 kids all 3 and under to the store the other day. All I can say is "Car Cart!" It fits two kids in the front (with seat belts) and two kids in the back by the pusher (aka: you) It was awesome!

Megan said...

What cute kids!! What a cute family!!

Happy Halloween

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