Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Our silly Ethan

Ethan sure keeps us laughing these days. He is so smart and funny. He is getting so big day by day and I just cant believe he is going to be 3 in December! He has come to like the girls .... I think. He tries to make them laugh. The girls absolutely adore him and think he is so funny. He has been learning so fast and amazes us every day. Here are some of the cute/funny/weird things that he is saying these days....

"Oh BOY" It is so funny because when the girls get fussy I always say OH BOY so now he says it whenever he is having a hard time or frustrated. So funny.
"Emma scared me" I about died laughing when he came running to me with open arms after Emma let out one of her playful screams. Now he says it all the time.
"There's a basketball in my elbow" He just said it out of no where.....who knows?
"What are you doing?" All the time.....Mommy what are you doing? Daddy what are you doing?
"What does that say?" We have these stickers that my dad gave me that have lots of sayings on them and he loves to put them on paper and ask me....EVERY TIME....what they say.
His favorite is the one that says "Your Super Duper". I told him what it said and he replied with
"I AM!"
"Don't go far far away Mommy!" Even if im going upstairs to do laundry for a half a second.
"That kinda tickles" It is only so funny because it sounds like "It Dinda tickles"
One other thing he has been doing lately that is cute but sad is getting so emotional at things that he see's on TV. The other day we were watching the Family Guy (yeah I know not the best show for a little toddler) that Lois gets shot and he just started balling and said that the mommy got hurt on the TV. It was so precious. What an emotional little bug!
Ok I just cant help but post these pics....He drew them when I fell asleep one morning when he had the markers(  See previous post :o)  ) He how to draw smiley faces!!!......

He colors somewhat inside the lines and traces the characters faces....Pretty impressive for a 2 year old....Don't ya think!
We love our little bear. He is so funny, lovable, and smart. We are so proud of him and can't imagine our life without his cute little face. 

My own DIY!!

Ethan needed some new storage for his soon to be room because there is no closet. I saw this cute small dresser drawers at Ikea and thought that I could do something with it....Here is what I did.....

Here is how I did it.....
This is a photo of the Ikea drawers before

I first painted the whole thing white. After it was all dry I cut out some NY Yankees symbols out of contact paper and arranged them on the front of the drawers. NOTE....make sure they are on really good or else the dark paint will bleed.

Then I painted over the contact paper with blue paint....2 coats.

After it dried completely I peeled off the contact paper. It did bleed a little bit which I touched up by hand with some white paint.


Thursday, September 10, 2009


This is what I get for falling asleep while Ethan was playing with markers......It was everywhere!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wendover...its another long one

Well every Labor Day we head to Wendover for some pool time, buffets and some gambling with my moms side of the family. It is so fun to see all of our family and all the kids. Ethan loved playing with all of his cousins. It was the girls first time and had such a great time. I gambled a little and won $25....not too bad. Sorry this post is so long but you get to see so many CUTE pictures!

We just got there and Ethan was ready to jump in the pool. Look how happy that little bug is!

The girls and grandma

This is on the first day of swimming and the water was FREEZING cold! We were only in there for a short time but the girls seemed to like it.

Picture time.....SMILE!

I pulled the girls out of the pool when I felt their little hands and feet were like ICE after like 5 minutes. Poor little things....they don't seem to mind it

The girls wanted to be like the girl in the gold bikini that was doing a photo shoot at the Wendover Nugget Pool......

Ethan loved playing with Jake and Jared.

Hot tub baby!

Pretty girls!

The girls like sitting their floaties until one of them figured out that there was a huge tail behind them and almost tipped over trying to get it

I love this pic of Ethan in Ashleys glasses....He looks like a STUD!

Im obviously not very good at holding the camera out and taking a pic of yourself...and others....It probally has something to do with the fact that my camera is so heavy!! Sorry Ash.

Grandma kept saying no dont take my picture Im not ready for the day....She always looks cute. What are you talking about Grandma!

Oh this is my absolute Favorite picture of the weekend!! She was in the pool and was getting so tired....she just laid her head down and looked like she was going to fall asleep.....What a cute little Sofa!!

Mommy brought us hats so our heads dont burn!

I hate this picture of me but Ethan looks so dang cute I couldnt help but post it!

The twins loungin with thier Aunties

Eating at the Buffet. Yummm! We were starving!

Ethan loves his cousins!

The girls!

I LOVE his smile in this one!

Go SUU!!

I cant believe I caught this face that Sophie makes....It is so funny she sucks her top lip and she just looks so cute!

Both giggling. They are so FUN!

Good morning Uncle Tee, Good Morning AMPA

Time to go home

The Bee's game

We had the chance to go to Bees game with Joe, Kacey, and Jake. We took Ethan with us and he had such a good time. We went to the Chinese Gourmet before the game and because I was out getting my hair cut....(by the way Ellie I LOVE IT!) We were a little late to dinner and that made us late to the game. We got to the game with 2 innings left. It was still really fun and I cant wait for more Bee's games next year.

Ethan loved the fortune cookie's after dinner....His new thing is to ask me "What does that say?"

Ethan and his best buddy Kayce

We sat in the upper deck right behind home plate and concluded that those were great seats...Here is the gang

BATCHA time!!

We gave the girls a bath on one sunday at grandmas and here are some pics from that day. It sure took a lot of people to bathe two little babies. It reminded me how we used to do the same thing with Ethan when he was this age....So FUN. Oh and by the way batcha means Bath in Japanese.

Here's a smile from little Emma

Woops......a little water in Emma's Eyes

Sophie was so interested in grabbing her toes

Smile from Sophie :0) Even though there are tons of people around her

This is how many of us were trying to bathe the girls

Happy Halloween

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