Monday, August 9, 2010

iPhone 4 VIDEOS

So I LOVE that my new phone has the option to video. I just love capturing all of the fun moments that my children have. Here are some recent ones......
This is a video of Ethan singing " 5 little monkeys" It was the first time that he could see himself getting recorded. So funny.

This is a video of the girls dancing to "Single Ladies"

This is a video of the girls watching themselves being recorded doing all of the "tricks" that they do. :)

Ethan saying I love you .... with actions :)
 and this is a video of Ethan swimming with daddy. They both had goggles on so they could see each other under water. So cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute! Did those take FOREVER to load? Everytime I have ever attempted to load a video to blogger it takes 12 hours...
Keep the cute videos coming:)

Happy Halloween

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