Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My LIL golfer

Ethan is going to be the next Tiger Woods!! I just know it! He has the same passion and his skill is pretty great for a 4 year old! I have loved the few times that I have gone out and golfed 9 with him this year. We have gone a few times on Sunday afternoon and my mom just watched the twins so Me, Mike, Ethan and my Dad could go. We have such a great time. Ethan loves the little snacks that my mom will give him to take to the course too. LOL. Gotta love grandmas! We even recently got him a little golf glove and golf shoes! He is on his way...Watch out Tiger!!

 I took this pic right before Ethan hit the best shot of his life! He hit it perfect and it went way far! Mike had just asked him where the pin was so he could aim correctly. That's what he is pointing at.

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