Monday, July 11, 2011

Obon 2011

Well this years Obon Festival started off  a little weird.....RAIN in the afternoon?! All day we were keeping our fingers crossed that we wouldn't have to dance in the rain. To continue the weirdness when the festival was about to start they had some issues with the music....which made us all just hang around til it was fixed. Then at one point of the night tons of audience members started dancing before the audience participation dances. Weird. Not to mention the girls kept wondering off. One minute Sophie was there and the next no one knew where she was. My heard dropped. I started to panic and running all over. I ran into the middle where the stage was and she was just standing there. I feel like crying just writing about it. I NEVER want to feel like I might have lost one of my kids EVER AGAIN. It was so scary. Then later Emma just walked away and sat next to some stranger. Boy my kids have no fear. I can see how some people like to use those leashes.

Despite all of the weird things that happened it was still a very fun Obon night. I love seeing all of the people dressed up in their kimonos. I love dancing in honor of all of my loved ones that have passed away. I love remembering my Grandpa Yo. I have been thinking about him a lot lately.

I love my family so much and am so blessed to have the family that I do.

 Goofy Ethan and his "SMILE"
 Mitch and Ashley....Awww cute
 Girls happy with their sippy cups and "paku" cheese puffs....I think they think they are called popcorn.
 Me and my handsome Hubby!!
 Me and my sis

 Ethan, Emma, Sophie and Ash
 always kissing

 Sophie and her aunties!!!
 Sadly this is the best picture of me and Sophie I could get and the other two wouldn't even pose with me to begin with. Oh boy.. LOL
 The boys

 Sophie danced with me!! Maybe next year we can get the girls a kimono and everything!! :)
fun audience participation dance!! LOVE IT!!

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