Thursday, April 28, 2011

400 eggs!!?

YUP that's right, my aunt Kelly ,and I assume a ton of helpers, hid 400 plastic candy filled Easter eggs! Saturday morning we took the kids to find them. Grandma York has a huge back yard and tons of grand kids and great grand kids come to help find them all! We had a great time.....other than the freezing cold weather!

 Yeahhhhh Victoria's Secret bags....Maybe next year we can remember to bring our baskets. LOL
 The adults watching the kids...

 Kelly even put a " good for one scratch card" ticket in some of the eggs!! Nope we didn't win...not even a dollar!

Playing with grandmas gate! What cute girls!!

1 comment:

Stacy Hunt said...

HAHAHAHA! I'm cracking up at the victoria's secret bags!

Happy Halloween

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