Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy DADDA day

Yesterday was Fathers day and usually i am a picture taking maniac on holidays but our family has been sick this weekend. Mike opened his presents....a few shirts, a mini pool table, and a keychain similar to my mothers day necklace with all of the kids names on it. Mikes mom made a great meal for us when they got home from church "chicken and rice". It was way yummy. Then we headed over to my moms house to give my dad his presents. I wish I would have got a pic of the wrapping paper I used. It was just rolls of blank paper decorated by my kids. It was pretty cute. Then off to grandma Yoshi's house. We had BBQ there and I ended up taking Mike home early because he was under the weather.

I am so thankful for the FATHERS in my life. My husband has been so great to my kids. I am so blessed to have him in my life! I couldn't imagine my life any different. Thank you sweetheart.
 My dad. I am thankful for him too. He is such a good man. I have so many fond memories of my childhood because of him. I am so thankful that he is so wonderful to my kids too. They love him to death and Ethan talks about him all the time.
And to all of the other dads in my life. Thank you so much for all you do for me and my kids. I truly appreciate all that you do!

I made this up for Ethan to "fill out" or tell me what to write in the spaces. He did pretty well but needed help in some spaces.....the one space that he didn't need help was his favorite thing about daddy is his " BUM" Hahaha. SO funny.

I hope even being sick that you had a wonderful Fathers day!!

I love you MIKE!

1 comment:

Stacy Hunt said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! I love that Ethan's favorite thing about daddy is his bum!

Happy Halloween

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