I miss having girl friends that I felt like I could tell almost anything to.
I miss them knowing what is going on in my life even though it might be something as small as where I went to lunch.
I miss having normal.....adult conversations with my friends at work. Its like all I do all day now is sing Yo Gabba Gabba songs all day long and change poopie diapers.
I miss my clients! I miss taking care of them. I miss forming friendships and letting them use me a "therapist" if they needed to.
I miss feeling like I was really good at something.
I miss having a wardrobe that I somewhat liked. I feel like all I do is wear p.j.'s all day long and when I do dress up I have the same old stinkin clothes!
I miss feeling ok about spending money on myself. I really think I have some kind of problem. I just cringe when I think of spending more than $20 on myself.....$20 sometimes even feels like too much.
I know that I am the most blessed girl in the world to be able to stay at home with my three wonderful kids! I love every minute of it....(most days). I know this is what I am supposed to do and I am thankful to everyone that has helped me along the way. I love seeing the kids grow and learn and interact with each other. I love their giggles and smiles that I am so lucky to see so much of. I love talking and laughing with Ethan...He is getting so big!
I LOVE being a stay at home mom but today I am missing my life in the other "real world".
Can I just tell you that I MISS you working too? And I am glad you get to be with your babies...but I miss you!!!
You can call me anytime you need an adult to hang out with. I'd love to meet you for shopping, dinner, movie, or just hanging out anytime! I think we need to do something with the girls when our husbands have Guys Night... I mean come on, we need a night out too!! You're a great Mom, and your kids are so lucky to have all of your attention everyday!!
Can I just tell you that I feel the EXACT same way! I miss doing hair in an actual SALON, I miss the friendships I had working, I miss getting all dolled up every day to go to work (why get ready now, now one sees me at home), I miss making money (not a lot but some) to help out, etc.. I feel your pain, it is hard work staying home, but I think its those unconditional hugs and kisses, and laughs, and giggles, that make being a stay-at-home-mom worth it. It really is so rewarding! We all just need to have play dates, and a reason to get ready and out the door!
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